Friday, May 25, 2012


My view from where I'm typing... it's the ocean!:)
My. It sure is crazy humid! And already really (really) warm and it's only 8:00ish am. I like Cartagena.:) If I wouldn't be able to catch some quality ocean breeze... this heat and humidity would totally freak me out. But knowing that getting ready for the day today probably means throwing on a swim suit and some sunblock... that's a pretty great deal.:)

We landed yesterday without any glitches. Although to be honest... I don't think Spirit Air makes the top of my list... and Jachin being 6'4", I'm not sure it would even come close to making his list at all. Funny (you know... "funny"... but not really funny), old, crazy cramped planes! But travel went smoothly all the same. We were at Lindsey and Michelle's apartment when they got home from work. Can't even explain how great it is to SEE them. It's SO much different than seeing them on Skype or in a Google hangout. And yet at the same time it seems really bizarre to think that it's really been as long as it has been since I've seen them last. I sure do treasure friendships that don't skip a beat despite continental separation.:)

We got to jump in last night on "food for the homies," so they call it. Michelle and Lindsey are here for two years teaching at an American school. Several of the teachers from their school have shown up every Thursday night with loads of food to share with the homeless community near the historic center of Cartagena. After hearing so much about it, it was fun to get to be a part of it. I really appreciated the sense of community in the gathering, the easy spirit and gracious intention of it all. Sharing food obviously seems like a kind idea, but what I actually appreciated about it is that it has shaped how the teachers involved, plus other friends that have gotten involved with the effort, relate to many of the street vendors in the city. They sure aren't people that Lindsey and Michelle just walk by and try to avoid getting pressured into making a purchase. Rather they're people, names, stories, part of shared community. I really loved getting to see that in action.

After hearing many a tale over skype, it was crazy fun to get to put personalities and real, live interactions with people I've heard so much about. It will be great fun to continue to do so. I'm feeling extremely grateful for the chance to get to see friends' worlds. And sharing it all with Jachin makes it all the more meaningful. People REALLY liked talking with him last night even though he hasn't mastered much Spanish beyond "Si" and "Si claro."

Alrighty. Off to a full day in Cartagena.


  1. We flew Spirit Airlines last January for possibly the first and last time so we can relate. :) So glad you made it and so excited for your time together! Thanks for blogging so people like me can live vicariously through you!

  2. I remember after I came back, I looked out of my front window and imagined it was the view that you have here! Give the girls a hug for me.
