Sunday, July 11, 2010


It's funny to start a blog fully anticipating not being committed to it. Blogspot, there is much neglect coming in the future. But historically I have started a separate blog for every excursion outside of the United States... so forget that.

It's that time again - I've got too many lists, too many piles, too much intended to go take with, and plenty of rubber bands to tediously roll up each article of clothing as I shoot for the perfect amount of stuff to put perfectly into my pack. Yup, when it comes down to it, packing is a fine art to me. And then on Tuesday night I fullfill a life-long dream (life-long being as long as I've known about Megabus) - to take the Megabus overnight to Chicago to fly international (save some money and add to the adventure). Wednesday afternoon Michelle and I fly out of O'Hare and arrive in Quito, Ecuador in time for bed. We'll meet Ali on July 30th in Colombia. Then I fly solo back in MN out of Medellin, Colombia on August 5th. A quick jaunt, but one I am hopeful will be refreshing, fun, insightful and then some.

When I board the plane, it will be just 16 days shy of two years since I last left the country! Far too long. Looking forward to the curiosities and the learning curve of countries new to me. And let's be honest, it's gonna be a blast to play with Spanish for three weeks straight.:) You'll hear from me now and again along the way, so check back.


  1. hahahah...oh need to blog all the time... you're just a good time. i'd forgotten about the rubber bands... and i like that you apologized to blogspot in your second sentence. please post often so i can travel vicariously through you! loves!

  2. Have fun!! Be safe!
    And please record as many details as possible about the Megabus...

  3. Fancy the creative name that you have picked for your blog. Take tons of photos of really random places and people. Have fun Muchachas---
    PS... I have running shoes!
